速報APP / 生產應用 / AirTraffic Engineer

AirTraffic Engineer





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本


AirTraffic Engineer(圖1)-速報App

AirTraffic Engineer is an android application that gives detailed information about

the communication, navigation and surveillance equipment involved in air traffic management. The idea behind the app is to avail the information on these aviation equipment in just one simple platform. This app would be useful to aviation engineers, pilots, air traffic controllers, students and all working in the aviation industry. The app is very simple to use and navigate through. Download the app and get to increase your knowledge on air traffic management engineering.

AirTraffic Engineer(圖2)-速報App

AirTraffic Engineer(圖3)-速報App

AirTraffic Engineer(圖4)-速報App